Request palletizer Need a quote for a palletizer? Please use the following inquiry form: Company (required field) Your name (required field) Your e-mail ad-dress (required field) Your phone number (required field) Your Address Please select the type of palletizer for which you are interested in: (required field) Easy-LineVario-LineSpeed-LineEuro-LinePortal-LinePack-LineSlim-LineDuo-Line Your message Plan/document/... Allowed Filetypes: pdf, txt, jpg, tiff, png, doc, xls, xlsx, docx, jpeg, gif, ppt, pptx, mov, mp4, mpg, wav, wmv Allowed Filesize: 10MB je Datei To create you a good offer, we need (if possible / available) the following informations: weight of parts in gramm size of parts (width*length*height in mm) parts per tray (number) cycletime (in seconds) How many parts are to be handled simultaneously (number) size of tray (width*length*height in mm) weight of trays in gramm Number of Nester per row and colum Tray material plasticmetallother Tray type Blisterdeep drawn trayother How many trays should be stacked on each other (number / buffer capacity) Demanded autonomy / buffer (in min) Provision of parts (eg WT on DG-Band / Rotary Table ...) Parts handling roboterlinear axisother Parts coming to system by customerby FLGother Trayfeeding by Traybufferband or by Traydolly TraybufferbandTraydolly Hiermit bestätige ich, dass FLG meine Daten im Rahmen der aktuellen und zukünftigen Geschäftsbeziehung speichern, verarbeiten und nutzen darf: (Pflichtfeld) Datenschutz akzeptiert Link zur Datenschutzerklärung Security question (required field)