The automation technology is a multi-disciplinary approach of engineering, with the aim of machinery and equipment to automate so that they can work without the participation of people with the highest possible efficiency and hardware low error rate independently.
The degree of automation is higher, controlling and operating procedures require the less the machinery and equipment of the human side. Through continuous Next Tick averaging in the signal detection, electronic signal processing and in the signal control was the degree of automation – are constantly being improved – even with the systems of the FLG Automation AG .
In addition to the relief and risk reduction for the machine operators bring the automation techniques used today to days also substantial quality improvements and higher performance capabilities of the systems is set. Also production costs can be reduced by modern automation systems, especially through the reduction of personnel costs, as these are only required for the elimination of noise, increase the supply of materials, the finished goods, maintenance, or similar activities, but not for the actual labor intensive production process.