PACK-Line palletizer

The system

LPACK-Line is a palletizing system for secondary packaging and increases the cost-effectiveness and ergonomics of palletizing tasks in the final packaging sector. PACK Line can be used in virtually any industry to palletize outside cartons, trays, canisters, buckets, etc. on all common pallet sizes.

All 4 axes of the modular and compact palletizing system are fitted with maintenance-free servomotors. The X, Y and Z axes are linear axes, whose travel routes form the working area of the palletizer. The fourth α-axis is an axis of rotation for the alignment of packing items on the pallet in accordance with the specified pattern templates.

All electrical components are integrated in the base frame, so that no control cabinet is required, which further reduces the footprint of the system.

PACK Line is designed for weights up to approx. 35 kg and can handle up to 8 movements per minute. Depending on the design of the vacuum gripper, it is capable of picking up one, two or multiple packing items.

We supply the necessary pattern templates for your packaging tasks with the system or they can be generated on-site by an auxiliary pattern template generator.

Technical data of the PACK Line palletizer

Dimensions (L x W x H) 2,500 x 1,600 x (stacking height x 2.25) mm
Lifting capacity Max. 35 kg
Max. stacking height Standard 1,600 – 2,200 mm
Gripper Standard vacuum gripper
Pallet feed Lift truck/stacker
Optional: Conveyor technology
Drive 4 x servo-electric
Capacity Max. 500 cycles/h
Control Menu Touch panel and IPC


  • Automatic pallet infeed and outfeed over roller conveyor
  • Telescopic Z axis
  • 2 pallet spaces

    Need a quote for a palletizer? Please use the following inquiry form:

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    Please select the type of palletizer for which you are interested in: (required field)


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    To create you a good offer, we need (if possible / available) the following informations:

    weight of parts in gramm

    size of parts (width*length*height in mm)

    parts per tray (number)

    cycletime (in seconds)

    How many parts are to be handled simultaneously (number)

    size of tray (width*length*height in mm)

    weight of trays in gramm

    Number of Nester per row and colum

    Tray material


    Tray type

    Blisterdeep drawn trayother

    How many trays should be stacked on each other (number / buffer capacity)

    Demanded autonomy / buffer (in min)

    Provision of parts (eg WT on DG-Band / Rotary Table ...)

    Parts handling

    roboterlinear axisother

    Parts coming to system

    by customerby FLGother

    Trayfeeding by Traybufferband or by Traydolly


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