Request Easy-Line

    Need a quote for a palletizer? Please use the following inquiry form:

    Company (required field)

    Your name (required field)

    Your e-mail ad-dress (required field)

    Your phone number (required field)

    Your Address

    Your message


    Allowed Filetypes:
    pdf, txt, jpg, tiff, png, doc, xls, xlsx, docx, jpeg, gif, ppt, pptx, mov, mp4, mpg, wav, wmv

    Allowed Filesize:
    10MB je Datei

    To create you a good offer, we need (if possible / available) the following informations:

    Which modules do you need in which quantities?

    Feeding buffer bands.:
    Destacking units..........:
    Handling units..............:
    Stacking units...............:
    Removal buffer bands:

    Wich options do you need?

    clean room versionESD-versionintegrated controlsafety housingU-shape of the systemother tray sizes

    Further informationen of the project

    Hiermit bestätige ich, dass FLG meine Daten im Rahmen der aktuellen und zukünftigen Geschäftsbeziehung speichern, verarbeiten und nutzen darf: (Pflichtfeld)

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    Link zur Datenschutzerklärung

    Security question (required field)
