DUO-Line palletizer

The system

DUO-Line-300x300Our DUO Line palletizer will greatly increase the flexibility of your production.
The palletizer enables the simultaneous separate loading and unloading of different parts into or out of two different trays.

A single cell accommodates two mutually independent palletizing systems, which can be used for loading and unloading.

The trays are advanced over stackers that are fed into or out of the cell via conveyor belts. Duo-LineWith one unloading and one loading stacker respectively, the trays are loaded/unloaded individually or stacked.

The DUO-Line is a special-purpose palletizer designed on the same basis as the SPEED Line.

The DUO-Line is suitable for use in the field of medical technology, or in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, automotive, consumer goods, electrical or plastic industry, etc.

Sample products

  • Produkte

Detailed reference projects in the field of palletising technology ...

Technical data of the DUO Line palletizer

Dimensions (L x W x H) 3,000 x 800 x 2,200 mm
Tray size Up to 400 x 600 mm
Tray weight Up to 35 kg
Tray stacking height Max. 800 mm
Tray feed Conveyor technology or transport trolley
Drive Motor-driven
Clock time handling Approx. 2.5 sec. (single picking)
Control Menu Siemens S7 (standard)
Siemens IPC, Beckhoff IPC

    Need a quote for a palletizer? Please use the following inquiry form:

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    To create you a good offer, we need (if possible / available) the following informations:

    weight of parts in gramm

    size of parts (width*length*height in mm)

    parts per tray (number)

    cycletime (in seconds)

    How many parts are to be handled simultaneously (number)

    size of tray (width*length*height in mm)

    weight of trays in gramm

    Number of Nester per row and colum

    Tray material


    Tray type

    Blisterdeep drawn trayother

    How many trays should be stacked on each other (number / buffer capacity)

    Demanded autonomy / buffer (in min)

    Provision of parts (eg WT on DG-Band / Rotary Table ...)

    Parts handling

    roboterlinear axisother

    Parts coming to system

    by customerby FLGother

    Trayfeeding by Traybufferband or by Traydolly


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